Surprise View on the top of Otley Chevin....from this spot you can see north up Wharfedale. This escarpment was formed by the Doubler Stones Sandstone, the rocks around this spot are coarse sandstones with rounded quartz pebbles...I have attempted to capture this geological process aswell as wanting the material to flow to symbolize the glacial movement in this valley.

This is the finished 'Stigmaria'...the surface has a number of drilled holes that are to represent the dimpled surface with fossils of tree roots. An interesting accident here is the pink stone seam that seems ideal as the stone in this area is made of fine to medium size quartz grains, with a few pink grains of feldspar and was formed in a river.

Here is a familiar sight along the trail ...large boulders with chalk prints from the previous climbers activity.

'Cross-bedding'..... this is formed in a river channel in which sand grains are being rolled along the bottom by fast flowing water. The grains avalanche down the front face of sand banks and settle at an angle about 15-20degrees. Each cross-bedded set has been eroded by another flood of water, so the top of each sand bank has been washed away, truncating the cross-bedding.

Here is another view with my son contemplating a climb in the background !